Thursday 21 May 2009

Sweet Chilli Jam

Went down well at Xmas. Finally found the recipe. As ever, set the chilli quantity based on what you have. We used home-grown Naga chillis (, so we just has to shine a light through them.

8 red peppers, deseed & chop roughly
10 red chillis, chopped
finger-sized piece of ginger, peeled & chopped
8 garlic cloves, peeled
400g can cherry tomatoes
750g golden caster sugar
250ml red wine vinegar

  1. Wizz up peppers, chillis, ginger & garlic in a food processor. Scrape the mush into a heavy pan. Add the toms, vinegar & sugar. Bring to boil, skim & simmer for 50 mins. Stir occasionally.
  2. When it starts looking like sticky, bubbling jam, keep stirring so it doesn't burn. Give it another 15 mins then transfer to sterilised jar. Seal & cool.
Keeps for three months in a dark place. Likely much longer if you overdo the chilli...